
Dr. Jörg Boy, Education Manager bei Compart AG, Böblingen

Michael Easterbrook, Redaktionsleiter bei Klett Lernen und Information GmbH, Stuttgart

Alexander Karapidis, Senior Scientific Researcher am IAO-Fraunhofer, Stuttgart

Dieter Kriesell, Mathematik- und Informatiklehrer am Gymnasium Ebingen

Michael Lammersdorf, GF Cornelsen-Metaphora GmbH, Stuttgart

Dr. Dierk Suhr, GF Klett MINT GmbH, Stuttgart

Dr. Hans-Werner Thunig, Economist und Philosoph, Winterbach



Marco Bergometti, EU Senior Consultant, Milano

Dr. Ramunas Kuncaitis, Programme manager at EACEA, Brussels

Elina Megalu, Team Leader at RACTI - Strategy Policy Sector, Athens

Markus Nikel, Consultant & Educational Program Manager at RAI, Rome

Peter Novoselec, Senior Consultant at National Education Institute, Bratislava

Carlos Oliveira, Head of Sector at DG CONNECT at EU Commission, Brussels

Lucia Pannese, CEO at Imaginary SRL, Milano

Dietmar Pfahl, Associate Professor at University of Tartu, Norway

Andrew A. St.J. Schmidt, Senior IT Consultant at Version 1, Dublin